Privacy Statement

St. Cloud State University is committed to respecting the privacy of all website visitors to the extent permitted by state and federal laws, 包括明尼苏达州政府数据实践法案, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13. This Privacy Statement of St. Cloud State University is intended to explain the ways in which we collect information, 我们将如何使用收集到的信息, 以及我们将为您选择提供给我们的信息提供的保护.


When you visit St. Cloud State University websites, we routinely collect and store information about your visit to help us manage those sites and improve service. This information includes:

  • 用于访问本网站的互联网协议(“IP”)地址和域名. (The IP address is a numerical identifier assigned either to your Internet service provider or to your computer.);
  • 您使用的浏览器和操作系统类型;
  • 您访问本网站的日期和时间;
  • 您在本网站访问的网页或服务;
  • The website you visited prior to coming to this site; and
  • 用于查找此站点或在此站点上搜索信息的搜索词.

我们使用这些信息来确定网站访问者的数量, 到场地的不同部分, to monitor system performance, 评估技术设计要求, and to meet our users’ needs.

我们对以上信息进行综合分析. We cannot and do not use the information in our server logs to identify individual visitors. We do not release any personally identifiable information collected from these activities without your consent, 除非法律要求我们这么做.

If you wish to visit our site anonymously, there are services for this available on the internet.


我们使用“cookies”来定制您的浏览体验. “Cookies” are pieces of information stored by your web browser on your computer on behalf of a website and returned to the website on request. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, § 13.15, subdivisions 4 and 5, this is the required notice to users that we will install a cookie on your computer at certain times when you access this website. This information may be used for purposes of evaluating electronic government services, 防止非法侵入电子系统, or as otherwise provided by law. 我们将cookie用于多种目的, including but not limited to: carrying data about your current session at the site from one web page to the next and identifying you to the site between visits. 除非本网站另有通知, 除上述目的外,我们不会使用cookie存储数据.

We also may use cookies to evaluate our website and to track advertising campaign performance from banner ads, 选择加入电子邮件和通过第三方广告服务. 这些cookie和跟踪像素(也称为网络信标), action tags, floodlight tags, or transparent GIF files) contain an ID number that allows us to track the pages you’ve visited within our website. We compile this data with that of other users to track overall traffic patterns to help us improve the layout of our site and to understand, for example, 我们的广告和营销活动的效果. 这些标签是行业标准技术,并且是匿名的. 这些cookie或网页像素上不会存储任何个人身份信息.

我们还使用谷歌分析来分析我们网站的流量. 谷歌使用cookie向我们提供此服务. 谷歌的cookie是用来存储信息的, 比如你是什么时候来的, 你以前是否去过这个网站, 还有哪个网站把你引到我们的网页. 您访问特定St .的信息. Cloud State University websites and its subdomains may be combined and shared within the Minnesota State system.

cookie也可以由St以外的组织设置. Cloud State University, such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, 或者其他我们实现了“插件”的社交媒体服务.有关他们的cookie政策的信息可以直接在这些网站上找到.

Cookies会一直保存在您的计算机上,直到您删除它们. 除非本网站另有通知, we do not exchange cookies with outside entities. If you prefer not to receive cookies, 您可以在浏览器设置中将其关闭, 或者您可以将浏览器设置为在接受新的cookie之前询问您. 如果关闭cookie,某些页面可能无法正常运行.

You may also prevent information about your visit from being collected by Google Analytics by turning off JavaScript in your browser settings or by installing the 谷歌分析选择退出浏览器插件

Secure applications at St. Cloud State University, which require users to log in, may or may not use cookies in order to track things such as passwords and session information.


在浏览本网站的过程中, you may choose to provide us with information about you to help us serve your needs. 除非您自愿参加要求提供此类信息的活动, 我们不会收集您的个人信息, other than as described above. For example, you may fill out a web form, participate in a survey, send an email, sign up for a mailing list, 或要求进一步的信息通过邮件发送给您. Any personally identifiable information you send us will be used only for the purpose indicated, 例如向您发送信息或回复您的问题或评论. Requests for information will be directed to the appropriate staff members to respond to the request, and may be recorded to help us update our site to better respond to similar requests.

我们收集的信息不限于文本字符, and may include audio, video, 以及您发送给我们的图形信息格式. We retain the information we collect in accordance with Minnesota Statutes §§ 15.16 and 138.还有我们的记录保留时间表. We do not rent, sell, 或在未经您同意的情况下交换您提供给我们的任何个人信息, except to the extent required by law.

如果您选择不向我们提供联系人的个人信息, help, or registration form, we will be unable to contact you. Contact information missing from a registration form may mean that your registration will be incomplete and we may not be able to process your registration.

Users are cautioned that the collection of personal information requested from or volunteered by children on line or by email will be treated the same as information given by an adult in that it may be subject to public access.

您在St上分享的个人信息. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城管理的社交媒体页面, such as Facebook and Twitter, 是否受这些平台的隐私政策和使用条款的约束. 在向这些网页发布任何内容之前,请参阅这些政策.

Public Disclosure

In the State of Minnesota, laws exist to ensure the government is open and that the public generally has a right to access records and information possessed by State government. At the same time, there are exceptions to the public’s right to access public records to protect to the privacy of individuals.

All information that you voluntarily provide to us becomes public data once we receive it, unless an exception in law exists. That means that if someone, including the news media, requests public information, 我们有义务提供给他们, 除非受到州或联邦法律的保护.

Security Statement

St. Cloud State University has taken a number of steps to safeguard the integrity of its data and prevent unauthorized information that is maintained it our computer systems. 这些措施旨在防止数据损坏, 阻止未知或未经授权的访问我们的系统和信息, 确保传递给我们的信息的完整性, and to provide reasonable protection of private information that is in our possession.

In the course of ensuring network security and consistent services for all users, 我们雇佣软件程序来做监控网络流量之类的事情, 识别未经授权的访问或对非澳门威尼斯人娱乐城的访问, detect computer viruses and other software that might damage our computers or network, 监控和调整我们网络的性能. In the course of such monitoring, 这些程序可以检测诸如电子邮件头之类的信息, addresses from network packets, and other information. Information from these activities is used only for the purpose of maintaining the security and performance of our networks and computer systems. 与其他个人身份信息一样, we do not release this information to others without your consent unless required by law, including Minn. Stat. § 13.15.

We use industry-standard software tools to control access to specific applications and services and to protect data that is transmitted electronically to us.

未授权尝试拒绝服务, upload information, change information, or to attempt to access a non-public site from this service are strictly prohibited and may be punishable by law.


我们可能提供到互联网上其他网站或资源的链接. 我们不控制这些网站和资源, do not endorse them, 也不需要对它们的可用性负责, content, or delivery of services. In particular, external sites are not bound by this privacy statement; they may have their own policies or none at all. Often you can tell you are leaving our web page by noting the URL of the destination site.


St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城不作任何声明或保证, express or implied, 关于使用或依赖本网站提供的数据, 无论其形式或传播方式如何. 对于准确性,我们不向用户保证或陈述, currency, completeness, suitability, 或者这些数据的可靠性. 用户接受数据的“原样”,并承担与使用数据相关的所有风险. St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城不承担任何实际责任, consequential, incidental, special, or exemplary damages resulting from, caused, by, 或与任何使用者对本网站的依赖或使用有关, 即使评估了这种损害发生的可能性.

Changes to this Statement

We may change this Privacy Statement at any time by posting a new version on this page or on a successor page. 新版本将于发布之日起生效, 哪一天将被列为新的生效日期.

Effective date: 4/15/2021